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Canine rescue from Marrowstone Island bluff

JSAR assisted JCSO this morning with the rescue of George, a Boxer who had become stuck several feet over the bluff in the Nordland area. JCSO and the dog’s owners were monitoring his condition, unhurt but unable to scramble up a short vertical section of soft bank.

Six JSAR members responded and set up a twin-tensioned-rope system, lowering one member down to George. Treats and a scent article eventually enticed George into wearing a harness so he could be safely raised back to solid ground.

As a backup to being carried, George is secured to the rope system by a civilian harness brought to the scene by one of the responding JSAR volunteers who has similarly sized dogs at home.

With in-person training limited this year due to COVID restrictions, this mission was a good opportunity to refresh our rope-rescue skills, practicing with TTRS and the MPD equipment we typically use these days.

It also brought to the forefront JSAR’s need for a couple sizes of a technical, rescue-rated harness for vertical canine rescues, a purchase we will be considering in the near future.